Flourish in All Seasons, Goals

These are The Days of…and April Goals

Happy April my friends!

It’s sunny here in the midwest and I’m feeling all the Spring vibes- a fresh start and new season. This year one of my goals is to capture and enjoy the every day, glorious in the mundane. I typically will only record the monumental, big events and if 2020 taught me anything it is that there is beauty in the everyday.

I’ve been doing this by recording in my The Next Right Thing guided journal each Saturday morning. One of my favorite rhythms has been capturing my “These are the days of” list… It’s a chance to reflect on the previous week/month/season and prepare to start fresh. A big part of living well is making time to reflect on where you have been.

Questions to reflect on…

  • What brought you joy?
  • What was beautiful?
  • What was ordinary?
  • What was an regular rhythm?
  • What made you grow?
  • What did you learn?
  • What do you want to remember?

So, before I jump into my April goals I wanted to capture a list of the beauty and joy I lived during the month of March.

These are the Days of…

Soul-care and breathing space.
Puzzles and Yooper Charcuterie
Planting thousands of seeds and hundreds of dahlias (117 and counting)…

Laughter and trying to adjust to DST 😉
The reminder that Spring always breaks through after the Winter.
Of heartache and hope for this world…
Blooms, upon blooms, upon blooms.
Chasing sunshine and adventure.
The First “deck date” of the year…even if I brought a blanket

April Goals

Monthly Action Items

Weekly Rhythms

  • Swim and Sauna (yay for the sauna reopening!!)
  • Weekly Examen
  • Greenhouse therapy
  • Media-Free Monday
  • Walk or Coffee with a friend

Daily Habits

  • Hit steps goal
  • H20 before coffee
  • Write the Word-Gospels

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